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Well Actually Well Actually Liposomal Liquid L-Glutathione | Cherry | 300ml

رمز المنتج: WA4
السعر Original د.ك.‏ 13.56 - السعر Original د.ك.‏ 13.56
السعر Original
د.ك.‏ 13.56
د.ك.‏ 13.56 - د.ك.‏ 13.56
السعر الحالي د.ك.‏ 13.56
  • نباتي
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  • خالي من الغلوتين
  • خالي من منتجات الألبان

يساعد الجلوتاثيون على حماية الخلايا من الجذور الحرة والبكتيريا والفيروسات والإشعاع والمعادن الثقيلة وسمية بعض الأدوية.

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    جليسرين نباتي، ماء نقي، فسفوليبيدات (من ليسيثين عباد الشمس) تحتوي على فوسفاتيديل كولين، جلوتاثيون، ثلاثي جليسريد متوسط ​​السلسلة، نكهات طبيعية (كرز، نعناع)، بيريدوكسال 5 فوسفات، مضادات أكسدة طبيعية (فيتامين هـ)، سيلينيت الصوديوم.

    الاستخدام المقترح

    هزة قبل الاستخدام. تناول 5 إلى 10 مل يوميًا (1 إلى 2 ملعقة صغيرة) يوميًا. يمكن تناوله مباشرة أو خلطه مع المشروبات الباردة والعصائر والحبوب.. لا تتجاوز الجرعة الموصى بها.

    5 مل = 1 × ملعقة صغيرة مستوية

    إشعارات التحذير: يجب عدم استخدام المكملات الغذائية كبديل لنظام غذائي متوازن ونمط حياة صحي. إذا كنتِ حاملاً، أو مرضعة، أو تتناولين أي أدوية أو تحت إشراف طبي، فيرجى استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل تناول هذا المكمل.

    Well.actually. ليس للجلوتاثيون المخفض الشحمي مع السيلينيوم أي آثار جانبية معروفة وهو آمن بشكل عام للبالغين والأطفال الأكبر سنًا. ومع ذلك، نوصي دائمًا باستشارة الطبيب أو ممارس الرعاية الصحية المحترف قبل إعطاء أي مكمل غذائي للأطفال دون سن 18 عامًا، أو إذا كنت ترضعين طفلك رضاعة طبيعية، أو تتناولين أدوية، أو تحتاجين إلى مشورة محددة للرعاية الصحية.

    يحتوي على إكسيليتول، الاستهلاك المفرط قد يسبب تأثير ملين.

    نصيحة للحساسية: لا توجد مسببات للحساسية المضافة.

    لا يوجد ألوان صناعية أو مواد حافظة.

    تجنب تناوله في وقت متأخر من المساء أو قبل النوم لأن مركب الفوسفاتيديل كولين يمكن أن ينشط ويسبب اضطرابات النوم.


    • Unopened - Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Shake well before use.
    • Once Opened – Store it in a refrigerator. Do not freeze. Place the cap back on the bottle, immediately after use. Life of 60 - 90 days, depending on correct storage. Store out of reach of young children.

    Additional Info

    Liposomal Ultra Delivery & Protection

    For optimal absorption, Well.Actually. encapsulates its Glutathione & Selenium within millions of micro-phospholipid bubbles called liposomes which are suspended in a Liquid. The membrane of these liposomes (phospholipids) is of the same material that surrounds our own cells. Due to this physiological indifference, the body recognises and transports the liposomal Glutathione & Selenium directly into our own cells. The liposomes also protect their nutrient-rich content against harsh digestive processes, which tablets and capsules cannot withstand. This ensures more intact Glutathione & Selenium make it into the blood.

    Taking a standard tablet, powder, or capsule form glutathione is about as useful as eating soup with a fork, as it is not absorbed into the body easily.

    What are the benefits of Glutathione?

    Often dubbed “The Master Antioxidant” - Glutathione can be found in almost every cell of the human body. The body naturally produces glutathione in the liver, making it vital for supporting the body's natural detoxification capabilities. Production of glutathione declines as we age and/or suffer from poor diet, environmental toxins, stress, trauma, some medications, and infections. These factors reduce protection from free radical damage to our healthy cells, protein, and DNA.

    Antioxidants are our body’s natural protection against free radical damage. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons which makes them unstable as electrons like to be in pairs.

    Free radicals attack other cells to steal their electron, therefore damaging the cell by reducing its ability to function. More free radicals can be created by smoking, pollution, chemicals, and exposure to the sun's UV rays. If free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them, a condition known as oxidative stress ensues. Oxidative stress can cause us to age quicker and can damage tissues which can lead to a variety of diseases over time.

    A balance between free radicals and antioxidants is necessary for proper physiological function. Glutathione is a tri-peptide consisting of amino acids glutamate, cysteine, and glycine which have an extra electron. Acting as an electron donor, it directly binds to the molecules with the missing electrons and neutralizes them.

    Glutathione is one of the few nutrients that can neutralize the full spectrum of free radicals in the body.

    Besides its antioxidant defence and free radical scavenging, Glutathione regenerates important antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

    – Glutathione and Ageing - From the age of about 20, glutathione levels start to decrease as we age. Glutathione and Selenium contribute to the maintenance of normal skin and to the protection of skin cells against oxidative stress caused by environmental factors and ageing.

    – Glutathione's role in Detoxification - Glutathione’s status within your cells is a particularly good indicator of their overall health and ability to fight toxins. Without glutathione, red cells die, white cells cannot function effectively and nerve tissue degenerates. Without it, every cell would become so ravaged by free radicals that it would perish.

    Glutathione is particularly active in tissues that are most susceptible to toxicity such as the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, skin, and eyes. It binds to free radical and heavy metal toxins such as smoke, alcohol, heavy metals, pesticides, and other carcinogens helping prepare them for collection These are then excreted from the body via the liver and kidney.

    The human body evolved to perform basic detoxification. In our modern polluted world, our bodies must detoxify a significantly greater amount of toxins to maintain good health. Giving your glutathione levels a boost can most likely have a positive impact on your health.

    – Glutathione and Eye Health - Glutathione is concentrated in the brain and acts as an anti-glycating agent. It helps prevent the binding together of sugar and protein molecules which influence the natural aging process. This is also one of the main contributing factors relating to cataract formation. The lens of the eye uses a relatively large amount of Glutathione but studies have shown that in cataract cases, there is significant Glutathione deficiency, in the eye where the lens sit.

    Do I need Glutathione and if so, how much should I take? 

    There is no single answer to this question. As with most supplements, diet, lifestyle, and age, are all contributing factors when assessing whether you might require extra Glutathione supplementation.

    If you are generally feeling run down, a glutathione deficiency could be playing a part in this. When your body is under attack from infection it rapidly burns through Glutathione, as it also does with Vitamin C, so you may find that regular supplementation is helpful for breaking a cycle of feeling unwell.

    Aside from illness here are some other causes of when your body is likely to burn-up more Glutathione than usual:

    • Stress and anxiety
    • Over exposure to toxic environments i.e. living or working in busy/ polluted cities
    • Excess alcohol intake
    • Heavy travelling i.e. jet lag
    • Eating unhealthy foods
    • Taking some medications

    DISCLAIMER: * This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information provided on this site should not be construed as medical advice. We recommend consulting with your health practitioner before the use of any supplements. The results from using our products may vary depending on individual factors and we cannot be held liable for adverse consequences, which may arise following the use of a product. If you decide to use any of our supplements based on the information that we provide, you do so at your own risk.

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